Be Worm Wise

Covering the subject of worms in dogs is likely to put unpleasant images in one’s mind. However, they unfortunately need to be thought about as all dogs are likely to suffer from worms at some point and, left untreated, these unpleasant parasites can cause some serious problems. Even the healthiest looking dogs can carry worms, therefore it’s important to worm your pets regularly and to know how to spot the signs on an infestation.

Spotting the Signs

As many dogs don’t show outward signs of an infection, it’s important to familiarise yourself with ways in which you can spot if your dog has worms. If your pet is infected, you will find worms in their faeces, vomit or around their back end. If an infection is ongoing you are likely to see some of the following:
  • Weight loss
  • Lethargy
  • Diarrhoea
  • Increased appetite
  • Dry/ course coat or flaky skin
  • Increased appetite can be a sign your dog has worms

    Increased appetite can be a sign your dog has worms

    Recognising Worms

    There are two main types of worms that can be found in your furry friends: [caption Tapeworm

    An intestinal parasite with distinctive flat segments.


    A parasite that lives in the bowel and can grow up to 20cm.

    Parasite Prevention

    As always, prevention is better than cure. Here’s out top tips:
  • Ensure you have an effective worming programme in place – speak to your vet for the best products.
  • If you have more than one dog, ensure you treat them at the same time
  • Ensure you also have an effective flea programme in place as tapeworm eggs are carried by fleas
  • Always pick up your dog’s faeces. If they are infected it can easily spread to another dog
  • Keep your dog’s food and water bowls clean
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